Eb / ScottB

Enterbeing blog

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The other 9/11


November 9th (day/month in Europe, 9/11) is the anniversary of "Kristallnacht - the Night of Broken Glass".

On the night of October 27 1938, Zindel Grynszpan and his family were forced out of their home by Nazi police. His store and the family's possessions were confiscated and they were forced to move over the Polish border into relocation camps. Grynszpan's seventeen-year-old son Herschel was living with an uncle in Paris. After receiving the news of his family's expulsion, he went to the German embassy in Paris intending to assassinate the German Ambassador to France. Upon discovering that the Ambassador was not in the embassy, he settled for a lesser diplomat, Third Secretary Ernst vom Rath. Rath, was critically wounded and died two days later, on November 9.
Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels used this event for media-manipulated "news" of Jewish conspiracies against Germany, inciting all Germans to "rise in bloody vengeance". The long winter night of November 9th soon turned into a campaign of organized widespread violence against all Jews. Even German non-Jews who dared to protest or seek calm were beaten. Police and firemen watched thousands of people brutalized, buildings smashed, looted and burnt.

The next morning, sidewalks were laden with rubble, broken glass and ash.

The lack of any public outrage and protest only encouraged the Nazi government to pass more oppressive laws in the following months.
Prominent Germans who protested were soon arrested. Ordinary Germans who protested were beaten up.
Personally, I only hope that we here in America have learned from such recent historic examples of hateful and righteous arrogance for world power, political gain, dogmatic ideology, religious doctrine, all resulting in complete and utter disaster.


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