Eb / ScottB

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Role Models in Times of Trouble

Helmuth Hubener

“German boys! Do you know the country without freedom, the country of terror and tyranny? Yes, you know it well, but are afraid to talk about it. They have intimidated you to such an extent that you don’t dare talk for fear of reprisals. Yes, you are right; it is Germany – Hitler Germany! Through their unscrupulous terror tactics against young and old, men and women, they have succeeded in making you spineless puppets to do their bidding.”

Helmuth Hubener (1942 )

The White Rose

Helmuth Hubener 1925-1942
Helmut Hubener was 1/3rd of “The White Rose”, whose mission was to confront and fight the Nazi-machine and offer help to those who suffered from them, particularly German Jews, at the heighth of Nazi power. Hubener, 17, Karl-Heinz Schnibbe, 17, and Rudi Wobbe, 14, knew they could never overthrow the Nazis and instead concentrated on informing German people about the outright Nazi deception. These Hamburg teenagers instinctively saw through the lies and onslaught of Nazi propaganda and became active in a fight against it.
They secretly acquired radios to listen to the BBC, and published a series of anti-Nazi pamphlets from information aquired from broadcasts. The White Rose then posted these tracts on ad boards, in mailboxes and even hand distributed them into those seemingly interested.
Eventually, in 1942, they were tracked down, arrested and subjected to brutal interrogation at Gestapo headquarters. The Gestapo had difficulty believing that a group of teenagers had done incredibily sophisticated work without adult help.
At their trial before Germany’s highest court in Berlin, all three were convicted of high treason. Karl was sentenced to five years, Rudi to ten years, and Helmuth, their leader, to death. Asked if he had anything to say, Hubener replied, “Now I must die, even though I have committed no crime. So now it’s my turn, but your turn will come.” Hubener was executed by guillotine.
from When Truth Was Treason by Karl-Heinz Schnibbe.
More on Hubener here:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very powerful piece here; interesting and informative. I've enjoyed stumbling across your blog via nextblog.

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very powerful piece here; interesting and informative. I've enjoyed stumbling across your blog via nextblog.

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Thanks for this info. I am intrigued to go out and pick up this book. Geert V. Belgrade

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

helmuth huebener was not a member of the white rose group. they came later, in munich. he worked in hamburg. professor alan keele (author of the book on the huebener group).

3:45 PM  

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